Main Image
/ boberg N-Ö -- boeq / 00411
OCR-text (abbyy)
^^^^ ^^^^^^^
Bodón, /Johan/ Erik /Gunner/
Colours and magnitudes in the galactic clus-
ter NGC 436.
4:o Uppsala 1950.
=Acta, Nova, Regiae societatis scientiarum
upsalTensis. Ser. 4. Vol. 14. N:o 10.
'	^.¿<A. i^tA<M/^^ r^i^ -
=Annaler, Uppsala astronomiska observetoriums
Bd 3. N:o 7. ^0/^^^"^?-
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Bodén, Johan Erik Gunnar",
  "location": "Uppsala",
  "title": "Colours and magnitudes In the galactic cluster NGC 436.",
  "year": "1950"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Bodón, /Johan/ Erik /Gunnar/
Colours and magnitudes in the galactic clus-
ter NGC 436.
4: o Uppsala 1950 .
=Acta, Nova, Regiae societatis scientiarum
upsaliensis. Ser. 4. Vol. 14. N:o 10. °*
*	< “yeak. Ueluo/9" "EES
=Annaler, Uppsala astronomiska Observatoriums
Bd 2 . N : o 7 . l/atuwef-
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Bodón, Johan Erik Gunnar",
  "location": "Uppsala",
  "title": "Colours and magnitudes in the galactic cluster NGC 436.",
  "year": "1950"
Saknar hörn