Main Image
/ boberg N-Ö -- boeq / 00410
OCR-text (abbyy)
Bodén, /Johan/ Erik /Gunnar/
A research on the galactic clusters NGC 436
and NGC 457.
4:o Uppsala 1951.
Biss. Uppsala universitet.
=Annaler, Uppsala astronomiska observato-
riums. Bd 2. N:o 10.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Bodén, Johan Erik Gunnar",
  "location": "Uppsala",
  "title": "A research on the galactic dusters NGG 436 and NGG 457.",
  "year": "1951"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Bodén, /Johan/ Erik /Gunnar/
A research on the galactic clusters NGC 436
and NGC 457.
4:o Uppsala 1951.
Diss. Uppsala universitet.
=Annaler, Uppsala astronomiska observato-
riums . Bd 2. N:o 10. —.	, -
J P alwwv .
220 Vv.
P “En
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Bodén, Johan Erik Gunnar",
  "location": "Uppsala",
  "title": "A research on the galactic clusters NGC 436 and NGC 457.",
  "year": "1951"
Saknar hörn