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/ lundeq -- lundin a-l / 00485
OCR-text (abbyy)
Lundh, Gösta
On the problem of age and primiparity. A sta-
tistical study.
Diss. Lund.	8:o Helsingfors 1925.
From the university women's clinic at Lund...
=Acta_obstetricia et gynecologica scandina-
vica. Suppl. Vol. 4:Fasc.3/4.	p -
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Lundh, Gösta___________
On the problem of age and primiparity. A sta-
tistical study.
Diss. Lund.	8:0 Helsingfors 1925.
From the university women's clinic at Lund...
=Acta_obstetricia et gynecologica scandina-
vica. Suppl. Vol. 4:Fase.3/4.	| n -
Saknar hörn