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/ lundeq -- lundin a-l / 00365
OCR-text (abbyy)

The auditory function after otitis media
in infancy and earliest childhood. Audiomet-
ric after-examination of cases of otitis me-
dia,conservatively and operatively treated,
together with an investigation of the pneu-
matization of the mastoid bone after such
cases.	8:o ^nd 1944.
Diss.	-	-
-Acta oto-laryngologica. Suppl. 5,3{.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Lundgren, Nils [ewil]	[	J
The auditory function after otitis media
in infancy and earliest childhood. Audiomet-
ric after-examination of cases of otitis me-
dia, conservatively and operatively treated,
together with an investigation of the pneu-
matization of the mastoid bone after such
cases.	8:0 Lund 1944.
Diss •
=Acta oto-laryngologica. Suppl. 53. M0,
g	T laskr
Saknar hörn