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/ lund -- lundberg a-o / 00313
OCR-text (abbyy)
Lundahl, C/arl/ F/ilip/
Contribution to statistical mechanics based
on the law of Newton.Analytical development
of the collision-function.
4:o Lund 1926.
=Arsskrift, Lup.ds universitets.N.F.Avd.2.
Bd 23.Nr 3. y
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
• 68
Lundahl, C/ arl/ F/ ilip/
Contribution to statistical mechanics based
on the law of Newton.Analytical development
of the collision-function.
4:0 Lund 1926.
=Årsskrift, Lunds universitets.N.F.Avd.2.
Bd 23. Nr 3.
0Uc A
Saknar hörn