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/ lindr -- lindström a-k / 00195
OCR-text (abbyy)
Lindsay, Robert
The historie and cronicles of Scotland from the
slauchter of King James the First to the ane thou
sande fyve hundredth thrie scoir fyftein zeir,
written and collected by Robert Lindesay of Pit-
scottie. ... Ed. by AE. J. G. Mac^ka^.
Vol. 1-3*	8:o Edinburgh & London 1899-1911
("Society, The Scottish text. [Ser. 1. P. 42-43
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Lindsay, Robert
The historie and cronicles of Scotland from the
slauchter of King James the First to the ane thou-
sande fyve hundredth thrie seoir fyftein zeir,
written and collected by Robert Lindesay of Pit-
scottie. ... Ed. by AE. J. G. Mackay ♦
Vol. 1-3.	8:o Edinburgh & London 1899-1911.
(-Society, The Scottish text. [Ser. 1. P. 42-43,
• ?
Saknar hörn