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/ lesp -- levander a-f / 00410
OCR-text (abbyy)
Royal and other historical letters illustrative
of the reign of Henry III. From the originals in
the Public record office. Selected and ed. by
Walter Waddii^on Shirley.
Vol. 1-2.	-	4.° London ie62-66.
=Scriptores, Rerum britannicarum medii aevi,
or Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain
and Ireland during the middle ages. (27.) < i> f
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Letters	I—	2’4
Royal and other historical letters illustrative
of the reign of Henry III. From the originals in
the Public record office. Selected and ed. by
Walter Waddinon Shirley.
Vol. 1-2. C 4:0 London 1862-66.
=Scriptores, Rerum britannicarum medii ævi,
or Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain
and Ireland during the middle ages. (27-))&
•	3
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