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/ lange -- langk / 00720
OCR-text (abbyy)
__Langfeldi, Gabriel_____
The prognosis in schizophrenia and the fac-
tors influencing the course of the disease.
A katamnestic study,including individual re-
examinations in 1936.With some considerations
regarding diagnosis,pathogenesis and therapy.
8:o Copenhagen & London 1937
=Acta psychiatrica et neurologica.Suppl.13.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
__Langfeldt, Gabriel	—	-
The prognosis in schizophrenia and the fac-
tors influencing the course of the disease.
A katamnestic study, including individual re-
examinations in 1936.With some considerations
regarding diagnosis,pathogenesis and therapy.
8:o Copenhagen & London 1937.
=Acta_psychiatrica et neuro lógica. Suppl. 13.
Saknar hörn