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OCR-text (abbyy)

Lamm, Carl Johan
The miniatures: their origin and style.
8:o Uppsala & Leipzig (tr. Uppsala) 1946.
i: Fragments, Ambrosian, of an illuminated
manuscript containing the Zoology of al-&ahiz.
... ed. with an introduction and philological
notes by Oscar Lofgren. 8:o 1946.
=Arsskrift, Uppsala universitets. 1946:5.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Lamm, Carl Johan
The miniatures: their origin and style.
8:o Uppsala & Leipzig (tr. Uppsala) 1946.
i: Fragments, Ambrosian, of an illuminated
manuscript containing the Zoology of al-öähiz.
... ed. with an introduction and philological
notes by	Oscar Lofgren. 8:0 1946.	Ia?
o	8 Lh
—Arsskrift, Uppsala universitets. 1946:5.
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