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/ kirch -- kiö / 00727
OCR-text (abbyy)
Kivisild, Hans R

Wind effect on shallow bodies of water with
special reference to Lake Okeechobee.
8:o Göteborg 195^*
=Bulletin of the Institution of hydraulics.
No 5?3.
< Mn^A^iw /¿n<(^/	A^o <L^fw , t % CW^t*}^ tÅ& 1^^ LcÅ
=Handlingar, Kungl. tekniska högskolans. Nr
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Kivisild, Hans R
Wind effect on shallow bodies of water with
special reference to Lake Okeechobee,
8:0 Göteborg 1954.
=Bulletin of the Institution of hydraulics.
No 43.
<Stochhal- kuunl CBha / 1 400 hel mu at ovyn « ds inokctov
=Handlingary Kungl. tekniska högskolans. Nr
83. 70810
- OcCa
Saknar hörn