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/ kerg -- keyc / 00036
OCR-text (abbyy)
Kerly, D/uncan/ M/ackenzie/
The law of merchandise marks and the criminal
law of false marking, with a chapter on warranty
of trade marks and a collection of statutes,
general orders and forms.
3 edition by F.G.Underhay,
4:o (8:o) London 1909.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Kerly, D/uncan/ Mackenzie/
The law of merchandise marks and the crimina]
law of false marking, with a chapter on warrant;
of trade marks and a collection of statutes,
general orders and forms.
3 edition by F.G. Underhay.
4:0 (8:o) London 1909.
Saknar hörn