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/ jep -- jest / 00737
OCR-text (abbyy)
Jessen, Knud. & Milthers, /Poul Christian/
V/ilhelm Madsen/
Stratigraphical and paleontological studies
of interglacial fresh-water deposits in Jut-
land and northwest Germany... (Text).
8:o Kobenhavn 1928.
Atlas.	8:o Kbbenhavn 1928.
= Undersbgelse,Danmarks geologiske.R.2:48:
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Jessen, Knud, & Milthers, /Poul Christian/
V/ilhelm Madsen/
Stratigraphical and paleontological studies
of interglacial fresh-water deposits in Jut-
land and northwest Germany... (Text).
8:o Köbenhavn 1928.
Atlas.	8:o Köbenhavn 1928.
= Undersögelse, Danmarks geologiske .R .2:48 : /1-2,
• — E~47
Saknar hörn