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/ jep -- jest / 00541
OCR-text (abbyy)
Jespersen, [jens] Otto [Harry]
Historio di nia linguo. - History of our langua-
ge. Composed in Ido ... and Artificala lingui pos
la mondmilito. - Artificial languages after the
world war. Composed in Danish. Transí, into Ido
by Gunvar Monster, with transí. of both from the
Ido into English by Gilbert H. Richardson.
8:o London & Dusslingen 1920.
Uniono por la linguo internaciona.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Jespersen, [Jens] Otto [Harry]
Historio di nia linguo. - History of our langua-
ge. Composed in Ido ... and Artificala lingui pos
la mondmilito. - Artificial languages after the
world war. Composed in Danish. Transi, into Ido
by Gunvar Monster, with transi. of both from the
Ido into English by Gilbert H. Richardson.
8:0 London & Lüsslingen 1920.
Uniono por la linguo internaciona.
Saknar hörn