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/ jansson j-ö -- jav / 00616
OCR-text (abbyy)
Jarvik, [Anders] Erik [Vilhelm] L ^^-s^^^^_
On the exoskeletal shoulder-girdle of Teleo-
stomian fishes, with special reference to
Eusthenopteron foordi whiteaves, with 9 figures
in the text,
4:o Stockholm 1944.
=Handlingar, Kungl. svenska vetenskapsakade-
miens. ?er.J. Bd 21:7.	/^¿^^
^S^o <: /4/ o Z 7??^
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Jarvik, [Anders] Erik [Vilhelm] z P 8	-
On the exoskeletal shoulder-girdle of Teleo-
stomian fishes, with special reference to
Eusthenopteron foordi whiteaves. With 9 figures
in the text,
4:0 Stockholm 1944.
=Hand lingar, Kungl. svenska vetenskapsakade-
miens. Ser. 3. Bd 21:7.	= Peta
€ v.
Saknar hörn