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/ hult -- hume a-e / 00115
OCR-text (abbyy)
/V. 7''?
Hultgren, Axel [Gustaf Emanuel]
Isothermal transformation of austenite and
partitioning of alloying elements in low alloy
steels. By Axel Hultgren and collaborators.
With 11 plates and 45 text-figures.
4:o Stockholm,Berlin...(tr.Stockholm) 1953-
=Handlingar^ Kungl. svenska vetenskapsaka-
demiens. Ser. 4. Bd 4. N:o 3.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
//• 1’7
Hultgren, Axel [Gustaf Emanuel]	- J
Isothermal transformation of austenite and
partitioning of alloying elements in low alloy
steels. By Axel Hultgren and collaborators.
With 11 plates and 45 text-figures.
4:0 Stockholm,Berlin... (tr.Stockholm) 1953.
=Handlingar, Kungl. svenska vetenskapsaka-
demiens. Ser. 4. Bd 4. N:o 3. OOla
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