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/ holmström c-ö -- holty / 00566
OCR-text (abbyy)
Holtedahl, Olaf
On the geology and physiography of some
antarctic and sub-antarctic islands,with no-
tes on the character and origin of fjords
and strandflats of some nothern lands.
4:o Oslo 1929.
^=^Results,Scientific,of the Norwegian an-
tarctic expeditions 1927-1928...1:3.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Holtedahl , Olaf
On the geology and physiography of some
antarctic and sub-antarctic islands,with no-
tes on the character and origin of fjords
and strandflats of some no them lands.
4:0 Oslo 1929.
=Results,Scientific ,of the Norwegian an-
tarctic expeditions 1927-1928. .. 1:3.
Saknar hörn