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/ hjär -- hoeq / 00337
OCR-text (abbyy)
Hobson, Richard
Navaho acquisitive values.
^:o Cambridge, Massachusetts 195^*
=Rej3orts. of the Rimrock project. Values se
ries. No. 5*
=Papers of the Eeabody museum of American
archeology and ethnology, Harvard university
Vol. ^2. No. 3*	i^ ^
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Hobson, Richard______
Navaho acquisitive values.
4:o Cambridge, Massachusetts 1954.
-Reports of the Rimrock project. Values se-
ries. No. 5.
=Papers of the Peabody museum of American
archeology and ethnology, Harvard university.
Vol. 42. No. 3.	Yn .
Saknar hörn