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/ history -- hjels / 00088
OCR-text (abbyy)
^^M^. ^^^L ^^/t^HY^/j, C-/- )/7L<c^dA^, ^^X^^ y	^^^'
^!^^4^<^^	^	'	^	'	V	*^.-^
of activities in the field of natural resources
University of Michigan. Publ. in connection with
the celebration of the semicentennial of the be-
ginning of professional instruction in forestry,
October 1-3, 1953* (Samuel T. ¿ana^ed.)
8:o Ann Arbor 1953*
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
of activities in the field of natural resources,
University of Michigan. Publ. in connection with
the celebration of the semicentennial of the be-
ginning of professional instruction in forestry,
October 1-3, 1953. (Samuel T. Dana:ed.)
8so Ann Arbor 1953.
Saknar hörn