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/ history -- hjels / 00082
OCR-text (abbyy)
Methuen's history of the Greek and Roman world.
4.	Scullard, Howard H., A history of the Roman ,.
world from 753 to 146 B.C. 2 ed. 1951.	'.¿^
5.	Marsh, Frank Burr, A history of the Roman
world from 146 to 30 B.C. 2 ed. 1953*
6.	Salmon, E.T., A history of the Roman world
from 30 B.C. to A.D. 138. 2 ed., rev. 1950.
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OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Methuen's history of the Greek and Roman world.
4.	Scullard, Howard H., A history of the Roman ,
world from 753 to 146 B.C. 2 ed. 1951.	77%
5.	Marsh, Frank Burr, A history of the Roman
world from 146 to 30 B.C. 2 ed. 1953.	785.
6.	Salmon, E.T., A history of the Roman world
from 30 B.C. to A ,D. 138. 2 ed., rev. 1950.
.	Hot -
6	R
Saknar hörn