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/ historia f-ö -- historx / 00322
OCR-text (abbyy)
The Greek historians. The complete and
unabridged historical works of Herodotus,
transl. by George Rawlinson; Thucydides,
transl. by Benjamin Jowett; Xenophon, transl.
by Henry G. Dakyns; Arrian/us/, by Edward J.
Chinnock,, Ed//wi^h an introduction,revisions
and"additional notes, by Francis R. B. Godol-
phin. In two vol.
1-2.	8:o New York 1942.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Historians____________ Calul.
The Greek historians. The complete and
unabridged historical works of Herodotus,
transi, by George Rawlinson; Thucydides,
transi, by Benjamin Jowett ; Xenophon, transi,
by Henry G. Dakyns ; Arrian us/, by Edward J.
Chinnock, Ed., with an introduction, revisions
and addit iona 1 notes, by Francis R. B. Godol-
phin. In two vol.	"
1-2.	8:0 New York 1942.
Saknar hörn