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/ henni -- henr / 00747
OCR-text (abbyy)
0 t^a '
Henryson, Robert
A modernization of Robert Henryson's Testa-
ment of Cresseid, with an introduction and no-
tes by Marshall V/. Stearns.
4:o BloomYng^ton, Indiana (1945).
^Publications, Indiana university. Hi
ser. No. 13.	—	Ac^
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Henryson, Robert________
A modernization of Robert Henryson's Testa-
ment of Cresseid, with an introduction and no-
tes by Marshall W . Stearns •
4 :o B1 oomington, Indiana ( 1945 ).
-Publications, Indiana university. Humanities
ser. No. 13.	'—	QZa
(B Coomnylon >
Saknar hörn