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/ henni -- henr / 00252
OCR-text (abbyy)
Henningsmoen, Gunnar
The trilohite family Olenidae. With description
of Norwegian material and remarks on the olenid
and tremadocian series. With 1$ figures in the
text and 31 plates.
4:o Oslo 1$57*
=Skrifter utg. av Det norske videnskaps-akademi
i Oslo. 1. Mat.-naturv. klasse. 1957:1.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Henningsmoen, Gunnar
The trilobite family Olenidae. With description
of Norwegian material and remarks on the olenid
and tremadocian series. With 19 figures in the
text and 31 plates.
4:0 Oslo 1957.
Diss •
»Skrifter utg. av Det norske videnskaps-akademi
i Oslo. 1. Mat.-naturv. klasse. 1957:1. act
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