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/ hellg -- helmr / 00568
OCR-text (abbyy)
Hellström, Vidar
Comparative biological, fluorometric, and
microbiological assays of riboflavin in en-
riched wheat flour, and in whole wheat.
4:o Stockholm 1952.
=Handlingar_, Ingeniörsvetenskapsakademiens.
Nr 209.
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OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Hellström, Vidar
Comparative biological, fluorometric, and
microbiological assays of riboflavin in en-
riched wheat flour, and in whole wheat.
4:0 Stockholm 1952.
=Handlingar , Ingeni ör svetenskaps akademiens.
Nr 209. -
yo-oeredoco, —5 enecwoeclentreckedemcer >
Saknar hörn