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OCR-text (abbyy)

Hardy, Thomas
The works of Thomas Hardy,in prose and verse,
with prefaces and notes.
Wessex edition.
/l-ll/.	8:o London 1912-1920.
/I/.Prose:Vol.l-9(The Wessex novels.l:Novels of
character and environment),10-14 (The Wessex no-
vels.2:Romances and fantasies),15-17 (The Wessex
novels.3:Novels of ingenuity),18 (The Wessex no-
vels.4:Mixed novels).
/II/.Verse:Vol. 1-4 (Poetical works).
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Hardy, Thomas
The works of Thomas Hardy,in prose and verse,
with prefaces and notes.
Wessex edition.
/I-II/.	8:0 London 1912-1920.
/I/. Prose: Vol .1-9(The Wessex novel s . 1 :Novels of
character and environment), 10-14 (The Wessex no-
vels.2:Romances and fantasies), 15-17 (The Wessex
novels. 3:Novels of ingenui ty ), 18 (The Wessex no-
vels.4:Mixed novels).
/II/.Verse:Vol. 1-4 (Poetical works).
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