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OCR-text (abbyy)
Graves, W Brooke
Facts and figures aoout the Federal govern-
ment. Its departments and agencies and their
activities. Compiled from the reports of the
Commission on organization of the executive
branch of the government ^Hoover commission^.
4:o Washington, D. C. 1949.
=Bulletin. The Library of Congress. Leglsla
tive reTerence service. Public affairs bulle-
tin. No. 74.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Graves , W Brooke
Facts and figures aoout the Federal govern-
ment. Its departments and agencies and their
activities. Compiled from the reports of the
Commission on organization of the executive
branch of the government (Hoover commission).
4:o Washington, D. C. 1949 .
-Bulletin. The Library of Congress . Legisla-
tive reference service. Public affairs bulle-
tin. No. 74.
Saknar hörn