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/ fur -- få / 00314
OCR-text (abbyy)
Furuhjelm, Mirjam_______
On the excretion of oestrogenic and andro-
genic substances in the urine of women.An in
vestigation covering fourteen healthy women,
ten cases of myoma and two of castration.
8:o Helsingfors 1940
Diss.Stockholm. Karol, inst.
=Acta obstetricla et gynecologica scandina
vica. Vol. 20: Suppl. 1.	Un^r
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Furuhjelm, Mirjam_______
On the excretion of oestrogenic and andro-
genic substances in the urine of women.An in-
vestigation covering fourteen healthy women,
ten cases of myoma and two of castration.
8:0 Helsingfors 1940.
Diss.Stockholm. Karol, inst.
-Acta obstetricia et gynecologica scandina-
vica. Vol. 20: Suppl. 1.
Saknar hörn