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OCR-text (abbyy)
(Fullerton,..George	and Cattell,James Me
On the perception of small differences. With
special reference to the extent, force and time
of movement. By the editors.
8:o Philadephia 1892.
(Publications of the university of Pennsylva-
nia. Philosophical series. Edited by George
Stuart Fplle^tp?! and James He Keen Cattehb^o.2
May 189^)	—
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
. (Fullerton.... Ge orge. Stuart and C att ell, James Me
On the perception of small differences. With
special reference to the extent, force and time
of movement. By the editors.
8:o Philadephia 1892.
(Publications of the university of Pennsylva-
nia. Philosophical series. Edited by George
Stuart Fullerton and James Mc Keen Cattel]No.2
May 1892.)	Ri
Saknar hörn