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/ frih -- fris / 00552
OCR-text (abbyy)
Frisch, Ragnar /Anton Kittil/
Propagation problems and impulse problems
in dynamic economics.
8:o Oslo 1933.
=Publikas^on.Universitetets /social/okono-
mia&e institutt. ... Publikasjon. Nr. 3.J%^</:
^/^ ^^^^ J^^w^y^^/- -^^^?/)
ur: Economic essays in honour of Gustav Cas-
sel, October 20th 1933.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Frisch, Ragnar /Anton Kittil/
Propagation problems and impulse problems
in dynamic economics.
8:o Oslo 1933.
=Publikasjon .Universitetets /social/ökono-
miske institutt. ... Publikas ion. Nr. 3. lé
(Oslo; UlveevCtleroler, Jcceelortorecmek <incheree/>
ur: Economic essays in honour of Gustav Cas-
sel, October 20th 1933.
Saknar hörn