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/ find -- fischer a / 00178
OCR-text (abbyy)
+Finkelstein, J	J
Se: Gurney, O.R., & Finkelstein, J .J., The Sul-
tantepe tablets. 1	. 4:o 1957
^Publications, Occasional, of the British insti.
tute of archaeology at Ankara. No. 3-
Forts, se "Kata!og T9^8— "
^^^1	^, ^.^ ^^A^^ /^	((ttx^/M^. /§a^?Z^^^^M^t
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
+Finkelstein, J	J
Se: Gurney, O.R., & Finkelstein, J.J., The Sul-
tantepe tablets. 1	. 4:0 1957
=Publications, Occasional, of the British insti-
tute of archaeology at Ankara. No. 3.
Forts, se "Katalog 1958 — "	i	-
Hlnen , 0, R. ? ulin, P (ukaa ■ niioh wolluke
•4 CLMlwtC ^^ /
Saknar hörn