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/ eng -- enger / 00459
OCR-text (abbyy)
Engeil, H[ans] C[hristian]
Cancer cells in the circulating blood. A clinical
study on the occurrence of cancer cells in the
peripheral blood and in venous blood draining the
tumour area at operation.
8:o Stockholm 1955*
Diss. Kobenhavns universitet.
=Ac^a chirurgica scandinavica. Suppl. 201.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Engell, Hfans] Cfhristian]	----------
Cancer cells in the circulating blood. A clinical
study on the occurrence of cancer cells in the
peripheralblood and in venous blood draining the
tumour area at operation.
8:o Stockholm 1955.
Diss. Köbenhavns universitet.
=A°ta chirurgica scandinavica. Suppl. 201.
Saknar hörn