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/ emp -- enf / 00080
OCR-text (abbyy)
+gnsheimer, Ernst
Se: Music; of eastern Mongolia, collected by
H. HasPund-Christen^^ noted down. ^:o 19^3.
i: Music^ The, of the Mongols. F. 1.
=RejDorts^ from the scientific expedition to
the norFh-western provinces of China under
the leadership of Sven Hedin. /Ser./ 8. Eth-
nography. ^.
^i?5 Lo^ J
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
+Emsheimer , Ernst
Se: Music of eastern Mongolia, collected by
H. Haslund-Chr is tensen , noted down. 4:o 1943.
i: Music, The, of the Mongols. P. 1.
-Reports from the scientific expedition to
the north-western provinces of China under
the leadership of Sven Hedin. /Ser./ 8. Eth-
nography. 4.	(fD)RGoa
Saknar hörn