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OCR-text (abbyy)
Emmons, Ebenezer

Agriculture of New York: comprising an account
of the classification, composition and distribu-
tion of the soils and rocks, and the natural wa-
ters of the different geological formations; toge-
ther with a condensed view of the climate and the
agricultural productions of the State.
Vol. 3*[l-2].	4:0 Albany 1851.
Natural history of New York. (P. 5*)
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Emmons, Ebenezer	L •
Agriculture of New York: comprising an account
of the classification, composition and distribu-
tion of the soils and rocks, and the natural wa-
ters of the different geological formations; toge-
ther with a condensed view of the climate and the
agricultural productions of the State.
Vol. 3:[1-2].	4:0 Albany 1851.
Natural history of New York. (P. 5.)
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