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/ eckb -- ede / 00595
OCR-text (abbyy)

Edelman, Nils
Structural history of the eastern part of
the Gullkrona basin, SW-Finland. With 16 fi-
gures and 2 tables in text, and 30 figures on
8 plates.
8:o Helsinki 1949*
=Bulletin de la Commission gdologique de
Finlande. N:o 148. e^^A^-
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OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Edelman, Nils
Structural history of the eastern part of
the Gullkrona basin, SW-Finland. With 16 fi-
gures and 2 tables in text, and 30 figures on
8 plates.
8:o Helsinki 1949.
=Bulletin de la Commission géologique de
Finlande. N:o 148. Jak -
Saknar hörn