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/ devh -- dickens charles A-R / 00409
OCR-text (abbyy)
Dibble, Romuald A
John Henry Newman: the concept of infallible
doctrinal authority.
8:o Washington, D.C. 1955*
= Studies^. The Qatholic university of America.
Studies in sacred theology. (Ser. 2.) No. 91*
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Dibble, Romuald A",
  "location": "Washington, D.C.",
  "title": "John Henry Newman: the concept of infallible doctrinal authority.",
  "year": "1955"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Dibble, Romuald A	•
John Henry Newman: the concept of infallible
doctrinal authority.
8:0 Washington, D.C. 1955.
Diss .
-Studies. The Catholic university of America.
Studies in sacred theology. (Ser. No. 91-
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Dibble, Romuald A",
  "location": "Washington, D.C.",
  "title": "John Henry Newman: the concept of infallible doctrinal authority.",
  "year": "1955"
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