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/ delo - -denl / 00034
OCR-text (abbyy)
Delougaz, Pinhas, & Haines, Richard C —
A Byzantine church at Khirbat al-Karak. With
contributions by Carl H. Kraeling and I'lorence
E. Day.
4:o Chicago, Ill. i960.
=Publications. The University of Chicago. Ori-
ental institute publications. Vol. 85.
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OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Delougaz , Pinhas, & Haines, Richard C —	-1
A Byzantine church at Khirbat al-Karak. With
contributions by Carl H. Kraeling and Florence
E. Day.
4:0 Chicago, Ill. I960.
=Publications . The University of Chicago. Ori-
entai institute publications. Vol. 85.
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. 2. Le i
Saknar hörn