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/ d -- dahl A-G / 00562
OCR-text (abbyy)
Dahl, [Axel] Erik

On the morphology and affinities of the annelid
genus Sternaspis.
4:o Lund 1955*
=Handlingar, Kungl. fysiografiska sällskapets.
N.F. Bd 66. Nr 13.
=Rej3O]?t.s of the Lund university Chile expedition
1948-1949. zi.^æ/i^ææ^j'
=Arjsskrif;t, Lunds universitets. N.F. Avd. 2. Bd
51. Nr 13.	7
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Dahl, [Axel] Erik	-ce.c2,208Ka t
On the morphology and affinities of the annelid
genus Sternaspis.
4 JO Lund 1955 .
=Handlingar, Kungl. fysiografiska sällskapets.
N.F. Bd 66. Nr 13.
=Reports of the Lund university Chile expedition
1948-1949. 21.06. 2222=)
=Arsskrift, Lunds universitets. N.F. Avd. 2. Bd
51. Nr 13.	.
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Saknar hörn