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OCR-text (abbyy)
The cyclopaedia of electrical engineering.
Containing a history of the discovery and
application of electricity with its practice
and achievements from the earliest period to
the present time...Compiled from the most
recent and best works on the subject by M.
Slingo...John Perry and others.
Vol. 1-2.	8:o Philadelphia 1896.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Slingo, M. John Perry and others",
  "location": "Philadelphia",
  "title": "The cyclopedia of electrical engineering. Containing a history of the discovery and application of electricity with its practice and achievements from the earliest period to the present time...",
  "year": "1896"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Cyclopedia____________ ble c ** for.
The cyclopedia of electrical engineering.
Containing a history of the discovery and
application of electricity with its practice
and achievements from the earliest period to
the present time...Compiled from the most
recent and best works on the subject by M.
Slingo. . .John Perry and others.
Vol. 1-2.	8:0 Philadelphia 1896.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "",
  "location": "Philadelphia",
  "title": "Cyclopedia of electrical engineering. Containing a history of the discovery and application of electricity with its practice and achievements from the earliest period to the present time...Compiled from the most recent and best works on the subject by M. Slingo, John Perry and others.",
  "year": "1896"
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