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OCR-text (abbyy)

A cyclopedia of Biblical literature edited by
John Kitto^
A new^edition, revised by Henry Burgess^,
Vol. 1-2.	8:o EdinburghT356.
? ed. Ed. by William Lindsay Alexander.
Vol. 1-3.	8:o Edinburgh 1876.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Kitto, John, Burgess, Henry, Alexander, William Lindsay",
  "location": "Edinburgh",
  "title": "A cyclopedia of Biblical literature",
  "year": [
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
A cyclopedia of Biblical literature edited by
John Kitto.
A new edition, revised by Henry Burgess.
Vol. 1-2.	8:o Edinburgh 1856.
3 ed. Ed. by William Lindsay Alexander.
Vol. 1-3.	8:o Edinburgh 1876.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Cyclopedia (edited by John Kitto and Henry Burgess)",
  "location": "Edinburgh",
  "title": "A cyclopedia of Biblical literature",
  "year": "1856, 1876"
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