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/ curt -- cö / 00043
OCR-text (abbyy)

Curtis, Harvey L. ; Sparks, C. Matilda
Formulas,tables,and curves for computing the
mutual inductance of two coaxial circles.
8:o Washington 1924.
Department of commerce.Bureau of standards..
Scientific papers of the bureau of standards,
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": [
    "Curtis, Harvey L.",
    "Sparks, C. Matilda"
  "location": "Washington",
  "title": "Formulas, tables, and curves for computing the mutual inductance of two coaxial circles.",
  "year": "1924"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Curtis, Harvey L. ; Sparks, C. Matilda
Formulas,tables,and curves for computing the
mutual inductance of two coaxial circles.
8:o Washington 1924.
Department of commerce.Bureau of standards..
Scientific papers of the bureau of standards,
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": [
    "Curtis, Harvey L.",
    "Sparks, C. Matilda"
  "location": "Washington",
  "title": "Formulas, tables, and curves for computing the mutual inductance of two coaxial circles.",
  "year": "1924"
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