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OCR-text (abbyy)
Near Eastern culture and society. A sympo-
sium on the meeting of East and West. Ed. by
T. Cuyler Young.
8:o Princeton, N.J. 1951.
=Studies, Princeton Oriental,. Vol. 15.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Young, T. Cuyler (ed)",
  "location": "Princeton, N.J.",
  "title": "Near Eastern culture and society. A symposium on the meeting of East and West.",
  "year": "1951"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Near Eastern culture and society. A sympo-
sium on the meeting of East and West. Ed. by
T. Cuy 1er Young.
200 8:0 Princeton, N.J. 1951.
=Studies, Princeton Oriental, . Vol. 15.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Cuy, T. Young (ed.)",
  "location": "Princeton, N.J.",
  "title": "Culture Near Eastern culture and society. A symposium on the meeting of East and West.",
  "year": "1951"
Saknar hörn