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OCR-text (abbyy)
Cubberley,Ellwood P/atterson/
Public school administration. A statement
of the fundamental principles underlying the
organization and administration of public
8:o Boston...San Franciscol922.
(Riverside textbooks in education edited
by Ellwood P.Cubberley.)
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson",
  "location": "Boston",
  "title": "Public school administration. A statement of the fundamental principles underlying the organization and administration of public education.",
  "year": "1922"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Cubberley,Ellwood P/ at ter son/	tmer.
Public school administration. A statement
of the fundamental principles underlying the
organization and administration of public
educ ation.
8:o Boston. ..San Francisco 1922,
(Riverside textbooks in education edited
by Ellwood P.Cubberley.)
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Cubberley, Ellwood P.",
  "location": "Boston",
  "title": "Public school administration. A statement of the fundamental principles underlying the organization and administration of public education.",
  "year": "1922"
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