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/ cool -- corl / 00502
OCR-text (abbyy)

Cordasco, Francesco
A register of 18th century bibliographies
and references. A chronological quarter-cen-
tury survey relating to English literature,
booksellers, newspapers, periodicals, printing
& publishing; aesthetics, art & music; econo-
mics, history & science. A preliminary contri-
8:o Chicago, Milano... 1950.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
HGdd L
Gorda seo, Francesco
A register of 18th century bibliographies
and references. A chronological quarter-cen-
tury survey relating to English literature,
booksellers, newspapers, periodicals, printing
& publishing; æsthetics, art & music; econo-
mics, history & science. A preliminary contri-
bution .
8:0 Chicago, Milano... 1950 .
Saknar hörn