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/ cons -- cook / 00440
OCR-text (abbyy)
Shorter contributions to general geology.
1913-15:a-i, 16-2^. ^:o Washington 191^-35.
Se: Survey^ United States geological. Pro-
fessional paper. No. 35,90,95* 93, 108,120,
^^L*^, P^M^ J'tit^J
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
+ Contributions
Shorter contributions to general geology.
1913-15 :a-i, 16-24. 4:o Washington 1914-35.
Se: Survey, United States geological. Pro-
fessionaT paper. No. 85,90,95, 98, 108,120,
125,12829,131-32,710, /17,/50, FP PYatuwwee)
5",)53,4647/70 /S3D Yue
L 0cCa
Saknar hörn