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/ ch -- cham / 00351
OCR-text (abbyy)
+ Chambers, Robert
Se: Cyclopaedia. of english literature. A
history, critical and biographical, of bri-
tish autors, from the earliest to the pre-
sent times. Vol. 1-2. 8;o 1844.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Chambers, Robert",
  "title": "Cyclopaedia of English literature. A history, critical and biographical, of British authors, from the earliest to the present times.",
  "year": "1844"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
+ Chambers, Robert
Se: Cyclopaedia of english literature. A
history, critical and biographical, of bri-
tish autors, from the earliest to the pre-
sent times. Vol. 1-2. 8;o 1844.
Mg •
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Chambers, Robert",
  "title": "Cyclopaedia of English literature. A history, critical and biographical, of British authors, from the earliest to the present times.",
  "year": "1844"
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