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/ ch -- cham / 00322
OCR-text (abbyy)
Chambers,Haddon, and Stephenson, B.C.
The fatal card. A novelization by A. D.
8:o New York u. a.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": [
    "Chambers Haddon",
    "Stephenson, B. C."
  "location": "New York u. a.",
  "title": "The fatal card. A novelization by A. D.",
  "year": ""
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
- Chamber 8 »Haddon, and Stephenson, B.C.
The fatal card. A novelization by A. D. Hall
8:0 New York u. å.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Haddon, Stephenson, B.C., Haddon, Chamber, -, Hall, A. D.",
  "location": "New York",
  "title": "The fatal card. A novelization by A. D. Hall",
  "year": ""
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