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/ ch -- cham / 00088
OCR-text (abbyy)
Chadwick^ H(eotor) M(unro)
Se: Cultures, The early, of northwest Europe.
(H.M. Chadwick memorial studies.) Ed. by Cyril
and Bruce Dickins. 8:o 1950.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Chadwick, Hector Munro",
  "title": "Cultures, The early, of northwest Europe.",
  "year": "1950"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
+ Chadwick, H(ector) M(unro)
Sei Cultures, The early, of northwest Europe
(H.M. Chadwick memorial studies.> Ed. by Cyril
Fox and Bruce Dickins. 8:0 1950.
)	2 Yole
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Chadwick, Hector Munro",
  "location": "",
  "title": "Sei Cultures, The early of northwest Europe (H.M. Chadwick memorial studies. Ed. by Cyril Fox and Bruce Dickins)",
  "year": "1950"
Saknar hörn