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/ catalogu -- catalogus A-D / 00048
OCR-text (abbyy)
Catalogue ^33.	/^ L/r^<,^
A catalogue of the works of Linnmus (and publi-
cations-more-immediately relating thereto) pre-
served in the libraries of the British museum
(Bloomsbury) and the British museum (Natural
History) (South Kensington).	%^z.
4:o London 1907.
2d edition. "(Prepared by B. H. Soulsby.)
4:o London 1933.
An index to the authors ¿other than Linnsus^
mentioned in the catalogue of the works of Lin-
nmus preserved in.the libraries of the^Briti$h
museum, second editionmkl933. /By/ (C. Davies
Sherborn). 4:o Tondon 1936.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
A catalogue of the works of Linneus (ana puon
cations more immediately relating thereto) pre-
served in the libraries of the British museum
(Bloomsbury) and the British museum (Natural
History) (South Kensington).	Roiz
4:0 London 1907.
2d edition. (Prepared by B. H. Soulsby, )
4:o London 1933.
An index to the authors Mother than Linnæus>
mentioned in the catalogue of the works of Lin-
næus preserved in the libraries of the British
museum, second editiong1955. / BV/ (C. Davies
Sherborn).	4:0 London 1936.
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