Main Image
/ catalogu -- catalogus A-D / 00026
OCR-text (abbyy)
A catalogue of several valuable libraries
and collections of books, including a copious
assortment of Greek and Latin classics, anti-
quities, books of prints, coins, medals, and
law books ... which will be selling ... 1784
... by William Cater ... Holborn
8:o u.o. (1784).
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Catalogue______________	—
A catalogue of several valuable libraries
and collections of books, including a copious
assortment of Greek and Latin classics, anti-
quities, books of prints, coins, medals, and
law books ... which will be selling ... 1784
... by William Cater ... Holborn . .,
8:0 u.o. (1784).
Saknar hörn