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/ caru -- cass / 00235
OCR-text (abbyy)
Casford, E
The magazines of the 1890's. A chapter in
the history of English periodicals; being a
critical study of the Albemarle, the Yellow
Book, and the Savoy, with a brief description
of other literary magazines of the 1890's.
8:o Eugene 1929.
= Publication,-University of Oregon.
Language and literature series. 1:1.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
0asford, E	Lenore
The magazines of the 1890‘s. A chapter in
the history of English periodicals; being a
critical study of the Albemarle, the Yellow
Book, and the Savoy, with a brief description
of other literary magazines of the 1890‘s.
8:o Eugene 1929.
= Publication, University of Oregon.
Language and literature series. 1:1.
Saknar hörn