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/ caru -- cass / 00223
OCR-text (abbyy)
Prize cases decided in the United states
supreme court 1789-1918.Including also cases
on the instance side in which questions of
prize law were involved.Prepared in the divi-
sion of international law of the Carnegie en-
dowment for international peace under the su-
pervision of James Brown ^qott.
Vol. 1-3.	8:o Oxford 1923.
Publications of the Carnegie endowment for
international peace.Division of international
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
4AA ve
Prize cases decided in the United states
supreme court 1789-1918.Including also cases
on the instance side in which questions of
prize law were involved.Prepared in the divi-
sion of international law of the Carnegie en-
dowment for international peace under the su-
pervision of James Brown Scott.
Vol. 1-3.	8:0 Oxford 1923.
Publications of the Carnegie endowment for
international peace.Division of international
law.	A
Saknar hörn